Wednesday, December 15, 2010


I just found out a friend of mine from work died. Please pray for her family it was sudden and she was only in her late 50s. I had just talked to her last week while we were working. I cannot believe she is really gone. She had been having health issues for a while and I tought she was doing better because she was back to work.
I use to work nights with her and some days she would just be so funny and we would have such a good time. I am going to miss her.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

All I want for Christmas....

I was listening to the music in the store while I shopped the other day. The song was all I want for Christmas... and I thought to myself I do not need anything for Christmas but I would like one thing, a dream to happen, but that was when I realized I had just said that I do not need the most important gift of Christmas, baby Jesus. I know I needed that gift more than anything the universe has because without His birth He could not died for mine and/or the world's sins and that is more important than any thing I need, want, or would like to have at Christmas. so this Christmas all I need is Jesus and I do not need anything else to be happy because Jesus is my Savior and He knows the perfect timing for everything so I trust it Him

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Red Head Princess

On Wednesday night I took care of a baby, 2years old, that was dying. It is hard to believe that some one so young would die. I sat there hold this baby trying to image how the mother felt. At 3 months old the baby stopped breathing and nearly died. Ever since that day the baby has been unable to do anything but sleep and look around. It is very sad. I think she has not gotten to do any thing in her life, but she has touched many lives including the hospital staff and even mine. I try to image what the mother thought at the birth of her baby, dreaming of her running and playing some day, of her having girl time with her baby, of them shopping together, dressing up, and so many more things, but when she stopped breathing for those 15 minutes everything changed and the mother just want to have one more minute, day, week, month, years.
I talked and sang to the baby for the 5 hours I was there and held her. I do not think anybody should died alone or unloved and either did any one else in the hospital, one aide volunteer to watch her every night. This beautiful child had red hair and golden eye brows and the most beautiful child.
The mother loved this child so much. One of the nurses witnessed her clean the baby's nose out by blowing into her mouth with hers and causing the snot to get all over the baby's and the mom's face. The mom stated that it was the only way to clear her, nothing else works. The nurse was so touched that the mother would do that for her child and the mother only being 19 years old.
Now tonight I hold a beautiful baby boy that I watched the parent hold and cuddle and dream.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Not picking up the pen....

I went to a Steven Curtis Chapman concert on Sunday. It was really good. Mary Beth, his wife, spoke about her book "Choosing to SEE." It remind me of what the Lord has been teaching me lately. God has been showing why He allows things to happen in my life and also not to try to pick up the pen and write my life thinking I know where He is going. Like Francesca Battistelli says in her song "Unpredictable" God is unpredictable. I have to keep reminding myself to learn from what the Lord is doing in my life right now and to enjoy where He has me because I will never get this time back. God knows what is best for me and He will take care of everything I need, so I do not need to worry about the past, the present, or the future. All I needed to be concern with is learning and grow in my Lord at the same time as I follow His leading.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

My Little Big Brother...

Tonight I burnt dinner and my parent just leave for the weekend. I felt so bad. My little big brother ate it because he said it was not that bad, then he asked "what did you make me for lunch, that was good?" This is my little brother I was just talking to my little sister about today saying that he never complains. It took me a little while to realize that his question was a hint for me to make him one of them at the same time as I am making brownies to make up for burning dinner. :) He asked me while I was making the food "why is that you are the only one that get distracted?" this is funny because a month ago while I was getting to know a young man everyone started to see that I get distracted and thought that it was because of the young man, but it was because when I get started to think about thing I can get deep in thought and miss what is going on around me. :) Well when my other brother get home from work later I will probably have to make him something too or maybe he has a sniffer like our little sister and not notice the smell. :)

Learning to be content with where the Lord places me...

This past February, I met a 30 year old single lady at a Homeshool get together and she was talk to me a my sister about the freedom that single ladies have, that we can focus on the things of the Lord where if we were married we would have to focus of our family's needed. I started to pray and think about this, I decide then that I was content being single because I wanted to serve the Lord the way he wanted me to. I started to pray that the Lord would show me where he wanted to send me. As I prayed about that the Lord laid on my heart that the desire of my heart might not be his and so I started to pray that His desire be my desires. It was amazing because I started to not desire to go to Africa a be a missionary nurse, I do still have a desire to be a missionary nurse but I do not know if the Lord is lead me to be a missionary to America or some place else. After giving up the desire to marry the Lord brought a young man into my life that wanted to get to know me. I was surprise but pray a lot about it and asked the Lord to show me if I was just to be friends with him or consider more. I did not feel the Lord telling me to not get to know him better. So up until a month ago, this young man and I were getting to know each other with possibility of marriage. A month ago the Lord asked me to give it up  and I did. It was so hard because I really cared about this young man and did not want to hurt him. Then a few days after giving him up I started to ask cry out to God asking why He allowed some one to come into my life right at the time that I had give up my desires. That was when the Lord started to show me the many things He wanted to teach me during and through the relationship. I learned so many things while in the relationship and then the Lord keeps showing me more everyday. I do not know what the Lord has in store for me in the future but I know that the Lord will show me His will in His perfect time.

Monday, September 27, 2010


I am not sure how this is going to work but I thought I would give it a try. My Mom suggested that I write on a blog and since I started my Journals over 7 years ago to write my thoughts down I thought that maybe if I share my thoughts with others they can benefit from them too. It is okay if you do not agree with me I do not mind. I am not trying to change any one with what I say on here, I just hope that some one can get some thing out of what the Lord is teaching me at the time. So, feel free to read my blog and please excuses the mistakes in my grammar and spelling, I will try to be sure that it is right but I am not wanting to spend too much time on the spelling or I might give up on this all together.
I hope that some one enjoys this. Have a wonderful day filled with Gods Love :)