Wednesday, December 15, 2010


I just found out a friend of mine from work died. Please pray for her family it was sudden and she was only in her late 50s. I had just talked to her last week while we were working. I cannot believe she is really gone. She had been having health issues for a while and I tought she was doing better because she was back to work.
I use to work nights with her and some days she would just be so funny and we would have such a good time. I am going to miss her.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

All I want for Christmas....

I was listening to the music in the store while I shopped the other day. The song was all I want for Christmas... and I thought to myself I do not need anything for Christmas but I would like one thing, a dream to happen, but that was when I realized I had just said that I do not need the most important gift of Christmas, baby Jesus. I know I needed that gift more than anything the universe has because without His birth He could not died for mine and/or the world's sins and that is more important than any thing I need, want, or would like to have at Christmas. so this Christmas all I need is Jesus and I do not need anything else to be happy because Jesus is my Savior and He knows the perfect timing for everything so I trust it Him