Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I wonder....

As I was leaving work tonight, I was thinking about how I like to think about God's creation but I have been too busy lately. I like to look at the stars and wonder what they are or what God created them for, not thinking about the scientific reasons, but what God says. Or I wonder can cats and dogs and other animals understand a beautiful sunset or view. Some times they study it and look so intent on it I just wonder what they see. Do they see it differently and will the sunsets in Heaven be different. I wonder why does God make beautiful flowers and colorful butterflies and rainbows that are glorious. Does He make them so we will see His work and feel special that He made them for us to enjoy with Him. I wish I had more time to spend just thinking and wondering but if I had more time would I remember to spend on that or will I let myself get distracted by the many things I "should be doing" I just wonder...