Thursday, March 3, 2016

Raising babies to adults

When you have a baby there are so many decisions you don't realize you will have to make. Disciplining such as when to, how to, and are they needing it? Sleep overs, friends, movies, clothing, schooling and much much more. Not only are you making these choices but so is your spouse and they were raise differently, disciplined different, had different experiences, and personality is different. Look how they turned out 😉 well if you married them there parent must have done something right 😉 Another thing you have to remember is grandparents want to help make decisions too, which both sets feel different even if just about a few things. You not going to raise your kids the same as either set of grandparent. Your kids are a mix of both of you which mean different personality, like and dislikes, experiences, and there are changes in the world around them effecting them differently too. All this being said I have only been at it for just under 3 years so I might change my mind or feel I would need to add to this in years to come. Raising babies to adults can be difficult and marriages can be strengthen by it or if you don't stand together your marriage can be shaken.

Mommy life

Some times I am tried of being mommy but then I hear her following me or hugging and kissing my legs and I realize how much of a blessing she is. I am one of the two favorite people she loves being with and she is my little girl not some one else's that I am watching but mine. She comes to me when she is hurt, tried, hunger, and needing love. Sometimes I feel the same needs and get frustrated but she knows how to get me to laugh and wants to show her love. Being a mommy is not about having to take care of a little life but about being give the privilege to care and love a little life even when it is in the womb still. I also see every day how much my mom did for me and how she loved me.